Pakistan Air Force Museum, Karachi

(visits on 19 November 2006 & 27 March 2007)

The PAF Museum in Karachi is situated in a park on the edge of the Faisal PAF Base on the main Shahra-e-Faisal.

There are 28 aircraft displayed outside and 7 in a hangar display. In addition there are several interesting airframes in a dump behind the hangar.

Google Earth views of the PAF Museum:

High power view of the site

Low power with the museum park at bottom left corner

Aircraft on display outside:

North American T-6 4200 "RA"

Mushak 90-5314 "314"

F-104A 62-862 "8-862" Turkish Air Force

F-104B 57-1309

T-33A 56-1601 "601"

T-33A 53-259 "259"

T-33A 55-3113 "113"

Sabre 6 1626

Sabre 6 1792 "792"

F-86F 55-5005

Sabre 6 1797 "797"

An-26 "278" Afghan Air Force

An-12 "380" Afghan Air Force

Douglas A-26: unmarked, but probably AP-AVV, ex 44-34568

Shenyang F6 4120 "120"

Shenyang F6 10434

Shenyang FT6 10103

Mig 15UTI 71-5618 "618"

Shenyang F6 1003

Shenyang F6 7624 "624"

Mig 21bis Afghan Air Force "957"

Martin B-57B 53-11957 "957"

Mirage 5PA "424"

Cessna Bird Dog O-1E 76012

Aero Commander 892-S

Pazmany PL2

Helio Courier AP-AOU

Kaman HH-43P Huskie 62-4556

End of the day

In the hangar:

Tiger Moth D501 "21"

Auster Aiglet Trainer W4108

Captured Indian Gnat F1 IE1083

F-104A 56-798

Locally built "Al Munir", ex AP-BCU: flew once

Sabre 6 1756 "756"

Personal Viking 1B J750 of Pakistan's "Founding Father", Muhammad Ali Jinnah

In the dump:

Shenyang F6 1606

SF25C Falke, wn 44140. The PAF used three: 44139 is also in this dump

B-57C 53-3846. Its fin is nearby

F-86F 53-1632 "632". Note also the fin of Indian Su7 B910 shot down in 1971

RAAF Mirage III A3-48

Hind, Afghan Air Force. cn 3532463615084

In the dump are also:

Parts of F-86 31130

Frame of Alouette III 1477

HH-43P Huskie 4553, plus the fuselage of another and 2 sets of fins: 4556 and 4557

There are several other preserved aircraft in Karachi:

Outside PAF Faisal, near the PAF Museum, is F6 5519

Also outside PAF Faisal, near the PAF Museum, is RT-33A "090"

Sabre 6 1701 at the gate of NED University

Atlantic 53 at the Maritime Museum

Boeing 720-047B AP-AXM outside the PIA Planetarium

Also, outside Mehran Navy Base, near PAF Faisal, is an F6 "624"

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